
How Has Lockdown and Social Distancing Changed How We Listen to Feedback?

by Malcolm Shead, ShelterBox Head of Accountability & Learning June 19, 2020

After our response teams have finished working with a disaster or conflict-affected community, our Monitoring and Evaluation team will go back to ask families how our support has been. By listening...


How Has Our Disaster Response Work Changed During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

by Rachel Harvey, ShelterBox Operations Coordinator June 19, 2020

Ask any aid worker what they like most about their job, and they will probably describe meeting and acting alongside the people we are trying to support. But with international travel impossible for...


Coronavirus: An Impossible Choice for the World’s Vulnerable

by Nicky Stephens, ShelterBox Digital Marketing & Innovation Manager May 29, 2020

For many people, coronavirus is the biggest threat we have faced in years. It’s the biggest thing in our lives right now – stopping us from working, posing a risk to our health and threatening us...


Six Reasons Why We Love Giving Tuesday

by Philly Byrde, ShelterBox Communications & PR Manager May 4, 2020

Inspiration from some of the brilliant aid workers, volunteers and fundraisers supporting ShelterBox through the coronavirus crisis.


Coronavirus: It’s not over until it’s over everywhere

by Sanj Srikanthan, ShelterBox CEO April 16, 2020

This global pandemic is changing all our lives. It’s our duty as humanitarians to help those least able to protect themselves.


5 Things You Need to Know About Coronavirus

by Nicky Stephens, ShelterBox Digital Marketing & Innovation Manager April 2, 2020

And how it’s affecting families living through disaster


‘Kunyumba’ – A Story of Home and Recovery After Cyclone Idai

by Danny Whear, Global Head of Brand & Content March 5, 2020

Joined by renowned photographer, Sian Davey, and filmmaker Benn Berkley, we documented Mwalija village’s journey of self-recovery in a multi-media project we called ‘Kunyumba’ (meaning...


Interview with Mustafa, ReliefAid Worker in Syria

by Yiota Liopetriti, ShelterBox Digital Marketing Executive February 20, 2020

Hear from Mustafa, a photographer for ReliefAid, as he gives us an insight on what it’s really like to be on the ground in Syria.


How Climate Change Affects People Through Disasters

by Yiota Liopetriti, ShelterBox Digital Marketing Executive February 6, 2020

Climate change is happening at an unprecedented rate. Learn how it’s affecting families.


An Interview With Our CEO, Sanj Srikanthan

by Luke Masters January 2, 2020

Hear from ShelterBox CEO – Sanj Srikanthan, who joined in December 2019 as our new chief executive.