Make an Impact
Whatever skills, knowledge or time you have to volunteer, you can play a vital part in this process. All we need is your passion.
Over 3 million people, including 1.5 million children, have fled Ukraine. There are millions of people internally displaced within the country who need help to survive.
ShelterBox aid is on the way.
In coordination with our partner, People in Need, ShelterBox is supplying emergency aid to thousands of people displaced by the violence within Ukraine and refugees who have fled to neighboring countries like Moldova.
➤ Mattresses are being provided to evacuation centers in Ukraine to help people who have fled the violence to sleep and keep warm at night.
➤ High thermal blankets, hygiene kits including soap, washing powder and toothpaste, solar lights, buckets and water carriers, and Shelterkits with heavy-duty tarps, tools, and rope to help repair homes, are being provided to people who have stayed behind and are living in damaged buildings.
➤ Hygiene kits, warm winter coats, and other high-priority portable items will be provided to refugees in neighboring countries.
ShelterBox is doing everything we can to help as many people as possible. But we need your support.
Please give what you can today. Your generosity can provide life-saving aid to families displaced by this humanitarian crisis.
We are deeply concerned about the humanitarian impact of the crisis in Eastern Europe.”
-Kerri Murray, ShelterBox USA President
Whatever skills, knowledge or time you have to volunteer, you can play a vital part in this process. All we need is your passion.
ShelterBox is a global organization made up of people who believe in shelter as a human right. No family without shelter when disaster strikes.