Kaltoumi's Story

Allow us to introduce you to Kaltoumi, a courageous mother who fled Nigeria with her infant daughter after enduring repeated attacks by Boko Haram. Arriving at Cameroon’s Minawao Refugee Camp eight years ago, Kaltoumi faced daunting challenges but has shown incredible strength in rebuilding her life amidst uncertainty. Today, she is a mother of six children, who are in good health, go to school, and have a secure home. We encourage you to watch her video to the right, where she shares her story of resilience in her own words.


When I arrived at Minawao camp, the first items I received came from ShelterBox. I was given a tent, household items, a rope, and a tarpaulin. These aid items were essential for me to regain my autonomy and get back on my feet. I live a respectful life thanks to their kindness, and I am deeply grateful for that.”



The aid provided by ShelterBox is lifesaving, particularly for vulnerable children like Kaltoumi’s daughter, who are disproportionately affected by displacement and who are dramatically overrepresented among the world’s refugees. At ShelterBox, we see the stabilizing impact that a shelter can have in enabling parents to return to work, children to school, and for recovery to begin. Shelter is the first step in recovery when you have been displaced from your home.

As we commemorate World Refugee Day, please join us as we reaffirm our commitment to supporting refugees worldwide. Your charitable support enables ShelterBox to deliver hope, dignity, and the building blocks to recovery to those who have lost everything.