Emergency alert: Cyclone Amphan

Cyclone Amphan Hits Bangladesh and India.
Vulnerable families are fleeing the cyclone,
while facing the threat of COVID-19.


On May 20th, Cyclone Amphan the strongest storm ever recorded in the Bay of Bengal made landfall in some of the poorest areas of Bangladesh and India, producing winds as high as 165 mph and forcing nearly 3 million people to evacuate from their homes. 

Both India and Bangladesh are already dealing with coronavirus outbreaks. Overcrowded evacuation centers could become a hotbed for the virus, increasing the spread of the disease in an area where there is already a lack of clean water, health care and resilient housing.

Emergency shelter is likely to be needed for many months, as people struggle to rebuild lost livelihoods and find reliable food sources. And with coronavirus cases in India continuing to increase, it has never been more vital for families to have the space to self-isolate and avoid sharing items like cooking sets.

Families will urgently need shelter to maintain social distancing and to minimize their exposure to coronavirus.

Without urgent, effective action, lives could be lost on a huge scale.

How are we helping?

Together with our partner Habitat for Humanity India, we have been supporting 1,400 families in the Sundarban Islands, one of the areas worst hit by Amphan.

Distributions are now complete. Families have received shelter kits to enable them to repair or replace damaged and destroyed homes.

We have also provided blankets, sleeping mats, mosquito nets, kitchen sets and hygiene kits with soap, buckets and face masks.

We have prioritised vulnerable families who need help the most. This includes single-parent households, communities marginalised from society and those living in extreme poverty.

Map showing the location of the Sundarbans Islands in relation to India, Bandladesh, and the Bay of Bengal


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